One of the most important documents in any estate plan is an Advance Medical Directive, which typically includes what is known as a “Living Will,” as well as a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care. Many people can recall well-known news stories regarding individuals who were locked in a vegetative state, and whose families were locked in litigation over the individual’s fate. Those types of conflicts within a family, that often can make a painful situation almost unbearable, can often be avoided by executing an Advance Medical Directive.

Although no one wants to consider the chance that he or she may be in a situation where he or she is alive, but in a persistent vegetative state, the reality is that no one knows what tomorrow holds. By having a Living Will, you can decide now your preferences for end-of-life care. This decision is not an easy one. Nonetheless, the cost of not making this decision for yourself necessarily means that you failed to make your wishes known while you had the opportunity to do so, and also means that your loved ones will be forced to make very difficult decisions in an abundantly difficult time, and they will be forced to do so without your guidance.
The best way to ensure that you have the quality of life that you desire as long as you live is by being proactive now in creating a Living Will. We can help by assisting you in preparing this vitally important document, and ask that you contact us to find out what your next steps should be.
You probably know what person or persons you would want to make medical decisions on your behalf in the event that you ever become unable to make those decisions for yourself. Even though you know that information, your physicians do not know that information, and even if they did, the person you would want to make those decisions may not have authority to act for you should he or she need to do so.

One way to make sure that the person you trust to carry out your wishes concerning medical treatment and to make decisions based upon what you would want if you were able to make those decisions yourself is by executing a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, which is incorporated into our Advance Medical Directives. By executing this document, you can appoint an agent or agents to make medical decisions for you in the event that you are unable to do so. Your agent is then charged with the responsibility of carrying out your wishes. Therefore, even apart from the Advance Medical Directive, you should always communicate your wishes to your loved ones. Nonetheless, the best way to ensure that those you trust to carry out your wishes have the authority to do so is by executing a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care. Please contact us so you can take the proper steps to empower someone you trust to make medical decisions for you if you cannot make those decisions yourself.